Home Raising Chickens Raising Meat Chickens: A Guide to Raising and Butchering Meat Chickens

Raising Meat Chickens: A Guide to Raising and Butchering Meat Chickens

by Happy Hen Coop
Raising Meat Chickens A Guide to Raising and Butchering Meat Chickens

Raising Meat Chickens: A Guide to Raising and Butchering Meat Chickens

In this ultimate guide on raising and butchering meat chickens. In this comprehensive overview, we’ll take you through the entire process, from selecting the right chicks to mastering the art of butchering. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned homesteader, this guide is your key to a successful and rewarding experience in producing high-quality meat at home.

Choosing Your Chickens

1. Getting Started

Embarking on the journey of raising meat chickens offers three entry points: starting with chicks, pullets, or full-grown birds. For the purpose of this guide, we’ll focus on the intricacies of raising chicks, the foundation of a thriving meat chicken operation.

2. Sourcing Chicks

Choosing the right source for your chicks is crucial. We recommend reputable online hatcheries such as Hoover Hatchery, Meyer Hatchery, and McMurray Hatchery. Our personal preference is Hoover Hatchery, and we’ll share valuable tips on ordering chicks online for a seamless experience.

3. Meat Chicken Categories

Understanding the distinction between full-blown meat chickens like Cornish Cross and Freedom Ranger versus dual-purpose breeds like New Hampshire is essential. We explore the characteristics of each category, aiding you in making an informed choice for your homestead.

Preparing for Your Chicks

1. Setting Up a Brooder

Creating a suitable brooder is the initial step in ensuring the well-being of your chicks. We guide you through a simple and effective setup using a tub and wood, emphasizing the importance of a warm and secure environment.

2. Essential Equipment

Equip yourself with the necessary tools for successful chick rearing. From waterers and feeders to heat lamps, we provide a detailed explanation of each item’s function, offering recommendations for specific products that enhance efficiency.

3. Choosing Feed

Feeding your chicks a balanced diet is critical for optimal growth. We share insights into various chick feed options, recounting our experience with a Kickstarter and transitioning to a custom mix that promotes health and vigor.

Transitioning to the Outdoors

1. Moving Chicks to Grass

Discover the ideal timing for transitioning your chicks to grass, considering factors like age and weather conditions. We highlight the significance of a gradual transition for their well-being.

2. Mobile Chicken Tractors

Explore the benefits of using a chicken tractor for meat chickens. We provide a brief comparison of different designs, empowering you to choose the right mobile solution for your homestead.

3. Feeding on Grass

Optimize your meat chickens’ growth by introducing a high-protein feed mix. We share a personal recipe for a 30% protein feed, coupled with a feeding schedule that ensures your chickens thrive on a grass-based diet.

Butchering Process

1. Planning Ahead

Effective planning is key to a smooth butchering process. Learn valuable tips, including a 24-hour feed restriction, maintaining a clean workspace, wearing an apron, and preparing an ice bath for post-butchering care.

2. Dispatching Chickens

Ensure a humane and efficient dispatching process with our expert techniques. We discuss the importance of using the right knife for different stages of the butchering process.

3. Scalding and Plucking

Master the scalding and plucking phase with insights into the proper temperature and duration. Discover the efficiency of using a chicken plucker for swift and effective feather removal.

4. Processing and Storage

Delve into the step-by-step guide for processing chickens on a designated table. We provide suggestions for utilizing chicken parts in creating flavorful broth or stock, minimizing waste and maximizing utility.

Processing the Chicken: The Hands-On Approach

In this section, we’ll explore the hands-on approach to processing your chickens, providing a detailed walkthrough that ensures a successful outcome.

Removing the Head and Crop

As we resume the process, we’ll start by removing the head and the crop. A crucial step in maintaining the quality of the meat is to delicately pull up the skin, exposing the crop, and carefully removing it without contaminating the surrounding area.

Dealing with the Esophagus and Windpipe

With the head removed, we move on to the esophagus and windpipe. Taking a methodical approach, we expose and gently pull out these parts, ensuring a clean separation without compromising the carcass.

Preserving the Neck and Additional Options

Next, we discuss options for the neck. Whether you prefer to keep it for stock or discard it, we provide guidance on safely removing it and handling the surrounding skin.

Leg and Wing Separation

Moving on to the legs and wings, we showcase the best techniques for clean separation. Emphasizing the importance of precision, we detail how to navigate joints and knuckles to obtain intact pieces for further processing.

Careful Gut Removal

The gut removal process requires finesse. We guide you through pulling the skin, making incisions, and gently extracting the intestines and other organs. A critical tip: avoid piercing into the rectal area to prevent contamination.

Identifying and Handling Special Organs

For those interested, we provide insights into identifying rooster testicles and locating the lungs within the rib cage. While a bit challenging, these details contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the chicken anatomy.

Alternate Processing Method: Kitchen Scalding

For those seeking a different, more traditional approach, we introduce the kitchen scalding method. This method, using a tall pot and heating water to a specific temperature, allows for hand-plucking without the need for specialized equipment.

Feather Removal and Cleaning

Following the scalding process, we guide you through manually removing feathers, paying special attention to challenging areas like wing feathers. We emphasize the importance of precision and provide tips for a cleaner plucking process.

Final Processing Steps: Packaging and Food Preservation

With the butchering process complete, we move on to the final steps of packaging and preserving your chicken.

Breaking Down Chicken Pieces

We demonstrate the art of breaking down chicken pieces, from wings and legs to breasts. Detailed instructions ensure minimal waste and optimal utilization of the meat.

FoodSaver Packaging Method

For efficient and airtight packaging, we introduce the FoodSaver method. We discuss the importance of choosing the right bag size, sealing the bag, and utilizing the vacuum and moist settings for optimal results.

Spatchcocking for Whole Chicken

For those preferring whole chicken, we introduce the spatchcocking technique. This involves removing the spine and flattening the chicken for easier packaging and prolonged freshness.


This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful and rewarding experience in raising and butchering meat chickens. By following these detailed steps and tips, you can take pride in producing high-quality meat on your homestead. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced homesteader, this guide serves as your go-to resource for mastering the art of raising meat chickens.

Remember, success lies in careful planning, attention to detail, and a commitment to providing your chickens with the best possible care throughout their journey from adorable chicks to the delicious centerpiece of your dinner table.

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