Home Raising Chickens Moving Chickens at Any Age: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

Moving Chickens at Any Age: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

by Happy Hen Coop
Moving Chickens at Any Age: A Complete Beginner's Guide

Moving Chickens at Any Age: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

Moving chickens on pasture is a common practice for farmers, but it comes with its challenges. The process can be overwhelming and time-consuming. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of transporting your flock at different stages of their growth. Whether you are dealing with a new batch of chicks, relocating birds to pasture, or preparing broilers for processing, we have curated efficient and stress-free techniques for each scenario.

Welcoming New Chicks to the Brooder

Unloading Chicks from Delivery Trucks

When your chicks arrive on a delivery truck, efficiency is key. Stackable bird crates, each accommodating around 100 chicks, are a common mode of transportation. Unload these crates strategically, one or two at a time, placing them on the brooder floor. This ensures that the chicks remain contained, allowing you to navigate the brooder easily.

Chick Delivery via Postal Service

Small-scale farmers often receive hatched chicks through postal services. Carefully load them into your vehicle and follow either of two low-stress methods for introducing them to their new home. The first involves individually picking up each chick, dipping its beak in a sugar and water mixture, and placing it next to a feeder. The second, more efficient method, entails gently tipping an entire crate, allowing the chicks to fall out onto a well-bedded brooder floor.

Moving Chicks to Pasture

Acclimating Chicks to the Outdoors

After a few weeks in the brooder, it’s time to transition your chicks to pasture. Learn how to create a catch pin using large poultry crates, gently herding the birds into a confined space. Utilize recycled materials to mimic predator sounds, encouraging the chickens to move into the catch pin with minimal stress.

Efficient Loading into Crates

Choosing the right crates is crucial for safe and comfortable transportation. Small stackable gamebird crates from 3T products with textured floors prevent sliding during transit. Discover how to efficiently load the chicks into these crates without causing distress. As ten birds fit in each crate, the process may seem tricky initially but becomes more manageable with practice.

Daily Moves on Pasture

Morning Schooner Moves

As your chickens grow, daily moves on pasture become a routine. Explore essential tips for these morning moves, including removing water lines and fencing. Understand the importance of having a person inside the schooner during the move to ensure no chickens are left behind. Learn to use hand signals and employ plastic bags to gently guide the birds forward as the schooner advances.

Choosing the Right Pasture Location

Selecting the right pasture location is crucial for the well-being of your flock. Follow four essential rules: ensure each chicken schooner has three acres of flat land, leave at least 20 feet between structures in the pasture, choose a location with water access, and consider the climate to prevent flooding.

Impact on Soil Health

Understand the positive impact your chickens can have on the soil. As they scratch, peck, and leave nitrogen-rich manure on the ground, they contribute to soil enrichment and promote new plant growth. Be mindful not to disturb the fertilized pasture during schooner moves, protecting both people and animals from contamination.

Tricks for Effortless Schooner Moves

Discover two farm hacks to simplify daily schooner moves. If you have a large schooner, an automatic water system is a game-changer, streamlining the process. Additionally, learn how to turn your schooner around safely using plastic drainage tubes to create a buffer, preventing injuries to your chickens during the move.

Preparing for Chicken Processing

Evening Chicken Catching

Preparing your broilers for processing requires a thoughtful approach. Schedule your chicken catch in the evening, just after sunset, when the birds are naturally settling down. Use headlamps with green or red light to minimize stress and disorientation among the chickens.

Supplies Needed for Processing

Gather the necessary supplies for transporting your finished broilers to the processing facility. Large game bird crates from 3T products are recommended for loading and transporting seven or eight full-grown chickens at a time.

Efficiency Tips for Chicken Catching

Efficiency is crucial when catching chickens for processing. Bring the crates to the birds and catch them outside the schooner to avoid navigating through obstacles. Build a horseshoe-shaped border using crates to create an outdoor catch pen, simplifying the catching process.


In conclusion, mastering the art of moving chickens at any age involves a combination of strategic planning, efficient techniques, and a deep understanding of your flock’s needs. From welcoming new chicks to pasture adventures and preparing for processing, this guide equips you with the knowledge to handle each stage with confidence. Remember, a stress-free move is not only beneficial for your birds but also essential for the success of your pastured poultry venture. As you bid farewell to your feathered friends on their final journey, you can rest assured knowing you’ve provided them with the best care possible. Happy farming!

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